
2017 The 14th Columbia international packaging exhibition

Release time:  2017-05-24 author:  adnose browse:  380

Exhibition English Name: 2017 The 14th Columbia international packaging exhibition

Holding time: 2017/11/7---2017/11/10

Exhibition Hall: Columbia (Bogota) International Exhibition Center

Industry Owned: Printed package   Trade journal

Exhibition City: abroad/ Columbia

Holding cycle: twice a year


Exhibition Overview

Exhibition introduction:

Exhibition report: exhibition area: 17500 square meters, a total of 700 exhibitors. Columbia introduction: population of 45 million 510 thousand people (2010); area: 1 million 141 thousand and 748 square kilometers.

Introduction to Columbia trade environment:

Republic of Columbia; northwest of South America; West Pacific Ocean; North Caribbean sea, Southeast is adjacent to Brazil, South is adjacent to Peru and EcuadorNorthwest is adjacent to Panama. Columbia belongs to the Andean Community, The Andean Community was founded in 1969 by 5 countries of South America, namely Columbia, Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador. The aim is to make full use of the resources in the region, Promote balanced and coordinated development among Member States, Abolish tariff barriers between Member States and form a common market, Accelerating the process of economic integration and trade liberalization. China and Colombia have strong economic complementarities and great potential for cooperation. Bilateral trade has maintained a good momentum of development in recent years.

The Latin American Conference on the 2012 world economic forum will be held in the northern city of Cartagena, Columbia. The theme of the conference was "building a new alliance to restore sustainable economic development." As can be seen, in the global economic recovery environment, Latin America, on the one hand, to keep up with the pace of the world economic power, stimulating national economic development; On the other hand, sustainability will be an integral part of Latin American economic development in the future. More than 550 heads of government, enterprises and economic circles from Latin America and other countries and regions of the world will attend the meeting. They will discuss American integration, open trade and so on. It is believed that a series of policies will encourage the development of Columbia and Latin America and provide a better platform for free trade.

Columbia is the only country in South America bordering the Pacific and the Atlantic, The geographical position is advantageous, natural resources are abundant, Population of about 45 million 500 thousand, covering an area of 1 million 142 thousand square kilometers (about 32 times Taiwan), In 2010, the economy was the fourth largest in Latin America (2010GDP, about $285 billion 500 million), second only to Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) published in July 2010 six country civetreport. Optimistic about the economic potential of six countries about Columbia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa, We believe that these countries have the advantages of long-term stability and high growth, and they are expected to become a new focus of global investment.


Exhibition scope

Packaging machinery and accessories; packaging materials; packaging containers; packaging tools and packaging auxiliary equipment; confectionery and baking packaging machinery and equipment; packaging and confectionery; baking industry services.