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12"x18" burkina faso sleeved polyester flag with garden stand
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The national flag of burkina faso is made up of two equal rectangles, red, blue and green, from top to bottom. Red symbolizes revolution; Blue-green symbolizes agriculture, land and hope; The pentacle symbolizes the revolutionary guide; gold symbolizes wealth. burkina faso is a landlocked country in west Africa that established a moshi-dominated kingdom in the 9th century. french colonists invaded in 1896 and colonized France in 1909. In december 1958 it became an autonomous republic of the french community. The black, white and red flag was adopted in 1959. It became independent on august 5, 1960, taking its name of upper walter (after the upper walter river). In august 1984, the country changed its name to burkina faso and reformulated the red, blue and green national flag.
12 "x18" tuinvlag
canvas koptekst
driehoekige hoeksteken / 4 rijen steken aan het uiteinde van de vlieg
omvat: tuinstandaard
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12"x18" burkina faso sleeved polyester flag with garden stand
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